Here is a photo I took of a billboard that is posted on a busy street in Yangoon, Burma.
It is telling the people what their desires are.
In case the photo is difficult to read here is what it says:
People's Desires
1) Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views.
2) Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation.
3) Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State.
4) Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy.
Take a moment and really get what it would be like to live in a country in which you are controlled by military force and this sign represents the value system of that force.
Try to understand the fear and greed that run such a military.
Try to understand what it is like to live in such conditions knowing that you can be crushed just for speaking what the military would consider a, "negative view."
Now if you will indulge my belief that we can all make a difference from afar.
Picture in your mind those very same soldiers and imagine a light of love and divine wisdom washing over them unconditionally.
Imagine that light carrying Meta, loving kindness, to those very soldiers.
Imagine them feeling safe, loved, and open hearted to each other and the people all around.
Imagine in that unfamiliar feeling of love and safety that same soldier receives a Divine Wisdom that informs him that he will be alright without his gun.
Imagine him releasing his fear and embracing the whole and kindheartedness of his own Divine Wisdom.
Imagine him reaching his hand out to the people nearby and crying out for forgiveness.
Imagine those people granting his request for forgiveness and embracing that soldier in love and compassion.
Imagine a wave of compassion moving through Burma like a tsunami of forgiveness washing away the fear that had up till now run the soldiers life.
Imagine all the soldiers dropping their weapons.
Imagine the small group of generals that presently run the country not having an army to enforce their will.
Imagine a time of healing decades of abuse.
and now imagine your heart energy reaching out from where you are to the beautiful people of Burma, holding them - NOW!
Thank you,